“More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. And that is why we have the United Nations.” - Kofi Annan
Basis Scottsdale Model UN strives to create a new generation of leaders as delegates represent their country’s views and ideologies in a simulation of the United Nations. Through this club, students will improve on their public speaking, writing, and knowledge on current affairs. MUN emphasizes the need to foster a cooperative environment where everyone is treated equally and with respect as they work to form the end-product of their debates and policy statements: a working UN resolution. 2022-2023 will be a great year for BASIS Scottsdale MUN as we are planning on attending several high school and university level conferences including WMUN, AZMUN, MCCMUN, and AZMUN. We have also been working to host an Inter-BASIS tournament in our own school, which is very exciting and going to be tons of fun.