Sign Up

  1. Delegate and parent sign the WMUN form
  1. Fill out the signupgenius for your desired country and committee
notion image
WMUN is on October 29th, 2022!!
The conference officially starts at 9am but please arrive at 8:45 AM or earlier. Plan to start around 8-8:20 AM, depending on where in the valley you live. The conference is at Westwood High School, which is located at 945 W Rio Salado Pkwy, Mesa, AZ 85201. Whether you are parking or being dropped off, please do so in the Student Parking Lot on the East side of the school. The google maps link to this parking lot is
Please make sure to bring your laptops/tablets that can run the google suite (Gmail, Google Docs, etc.). Bring a binder with your policy paper, speech, pieces of paper, p rules, key words for resolutions, sample resolution. And also bring water, computer (& Charger), snacks, sticky notes, pencils, pens, etc.
Conference ends at 5 PM and lunch is provided, if you have any other questions please message us via email or discord.
This is a link to the Committees and Topics 👇🏾
WMUN Schedule

8:45 AM - Arrival of Delegates
9:00 AM - Opening Plenary
9:30 AM - Committees in Session (Delegates will be guided into their rooms by their chairs)
11:50 - 12:35: General Assembly
12:00 - 12:45: Third Committee
12:10 - 12:55: Fourth Committee
12:20 - 1:05: UNHCR
12:30 - 1:15: UNICEF
12:40 - 1:25: CSW
End of Lunch - 4:25 - Committees in Session
4:30 PM - Closing Plenary
5:30 PM - Conference Ends

